Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Germany Part 1: Breakfast

Guten Tag! After a delightful trip to Germany, I've returned home with lots to blog about. To make things easier for all of us, I've decided to do a sort of 'German Highlights', split into breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, beverages, and hot chocolate. (And yes, the latter does deserve its own category.) Let's begin with breakfast, shall we?

Since we took a group tour, a Continental breakfast was included each day. It took some getting used to.

The first day was pretty tasty.

Colorful, right?

I was happy with this breakfast. The buffet had lots of lovely fruit and carbohydrates to start my first day on tour. The watermelon was surprisingly sweet, and the chocolate muffin was moist. When it came time for my roll, I sampled a few foreign spreads.

This was actually really fun. Although I had a vague understanding of the contents, I had to guess on a couple of them. Ultimately, the most memorable was the tomato and pepper one (located in the top right corner). Tasting this assortment was definitely an exciting way to begin the day. 

This next breakfast (taken a few days later) was my favorite.

I know. It's silly. I just couldn't help myself. And after days of settling for a hard-ish boiled egg and a piece of fruit, this was practically a feast! The danishes were really yummy. They were a croissant consistency (very flaky and buttery) with either chocolate chips or raisins. Although I'm not a raisin person, that one was my favorite! It was both light and delicious, and balanced out by my kiwis and banana. 

This next breakfast was all about the cake in top left corner.

Yes, the watermelon was fine, and the egg was sufficiently firm (wobbly eggs were a common sight on the breakfast menu) but the cake (or, perhaps we should call it a breakfast bread) was fantastic! It was moist, delicate, and perfectly sweet! The chocolate chips and powdered sugar on top were enough to lure me back for a second piece. I probably should have taken a piece for later too.... It was that good. 

Yogurt was another standby that I frequently fell back upon when all else failed. This peach and passionfruit  flavored one was particularly memorable, as I've never seen a similar flavor at home. 

And finally, breakfast on the last day.

Although the morning was bittersweet (Germany was awesome, but I was excited to come home), the breakfast was all good! I'm always up for a chocolate muffin. And the muffin went wonderfully with the banana milk I found! Chocolate + Banana = Happy Tastebuds.

Have you ever seen banana milk in your local grocery store?! I certainly haven't! (Though according to a google search, it's popular in South Korea.) It's such a good idea! It tastes exactly like a thinner version of a banana milkshake! If you ever have the chance to try banana milk, I highly recommend it.

Overall, there were some highs and lows in the breakfast arena. I think this was the meal I missed most of all, as most mornings left me hankering for a pancake or waffle to dive into. But, alas, it's all part of the experience!

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